Welcome to Untethered:
A window into the mobility world!
Selected musings on all things mobile and how it is impacting our lives.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Being a Node on the social graph

Sounds scientific but it is easy to understand if you have been networking a while. The larger your network becomes the more import your individual node takes on...what are your thoughts on the implied responsibility of being a large node on the graph?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Applications soon will live in "the cloud" and whether you hit the app from your mobile, a kiosk, or your multiple PCs, it won't matter one iota.

Cutting the ties that bind

Over the Air program installation is the only thing that we (on the mobile web) really don't have vs. a PC right now. For security reasons until some authentication mechanism is developed and used that makes this viable.
Have you discovered Twitter yet?

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Mobility-Still the Holy Grail

Mobility is key to the "quality of life" everyone talks about when referring to their career. Divisions between work & personal life are fuzzy. You are key to your team and even though you left things to a capable deputy while you are on vacation, do you return the email sent to your work email at 4:45PM EST when you are +3GMT and it is almost 1AM and you are still dancing your bootie off on your cruise? Tough...alot of us want to be that accountable but to what extent is acceptable now that these boundary lines are so blurry? Does the ettiquette exist yet? Who says which is the right way to go about things? It's not like sizing up your salad fork!

Friday, August 10, 2007

Moblogging Maniac!

I am cognizant of the fact that this technology illustrates only part of what is to come...true connectedness. The sole reason for Untethered.
I am now moblogging! I think that the synergies with the Internet as communication medium and the immediacy of mobile is very potent! What do you think?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Mobile Applications, Oxymoron or Future trend?

Does the screen real estate prohibit you from getting the best bang for your mobile browsing buck?
Do you ever feel like the developers need to "get with the program" in design considerations for the mobile web?
Do you frequently get errors from your mobile browser that presupposes you are on the dominant platform? (Windows/IE/.NET)
Well welcome to the mobile browsing world!
What problems have you encountered in your favorite apps that mobile browsing precludes you from using?

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Smartphone or Mobile Terminal?

Will the answer to all of our computing prayers be a do everything device?
It appears to be so with the success of the iPhone.
What is to come now? I will continue this thread because it is definitely the overarching theme.
More later.
Welcome to Untethered, selected musings on all things mobile and how it is impacting our lives.